Display Abstract

Title Existence and Regularity in the Oval Problem

Name Jochen Denzler
Country USA
Email denzler@math.utk.edu
Submit Time 2014-02-27 11:27:23
Special Session 32: Applied analysis and dynamics in engineering and sciences
The oval problem asks to determine, among all closed loops in ${\bf R}^n$ of fixed length, carrying a Schr\"odinger operator ${\bf H}= -\frac{d^2}{ds^2}+\kappa^2$ (with curvature $\kappa$ and arclength $s$), those loops for which the principal eigenvalue of ${\bf H}$ is smallest. A 1-parameter family of ovals connecting the circle with a doubly traversed segment (digon) is conjectured to be the minimizer. Whereas this conjectured solution is an example that proves a lack of compactness and coercivity in the problem, it is proved in this talk (via a relaxed variation problem) that a minimizer exists; it is either the digon, or a strictly convex planar analytic curve with positive curvature. While the Euler-Lagrange equation of the problem appears daunting, its asymptotic analysis near a presumptive singularity gives useful information based on which a strong variation can exclude singular solutions as minimizers.