Display Abstract

Title Validity of the KdV approximation for the water wave problem

Name Wolf-Patrick Duell
Country Germany
Email duell@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de
Submit Time 2014-02-27 08:01:32
Special Session 11: Dynamics of fluids and nonlinear waves
We consider the 2D water wave problem in an infinite long canal of finite depth both with and without surface tension. It has been proven by several authors that long-wavelength solutions to this problem can be approximated over a physically relevant timespan by solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation or, for certain values of the surface tension, by solutions of the Kawahara equation. These proofs are formulated either in Langrangian or in Eulerian coordinates. In this talk, we provide an alternative proof, which is simpler, more elementary and shorter. Moreover, the rigorous justification of the KdV approximation can be given for the cases with and without surface tension together by one proof. In our proof, we parametrize the free surface by arc length and use some geometrically and physically motivated variables with good regularity properties.