Display Abstract

Title A set-valued analysis approach to conical regularization of abstract optimization problems

Name Miguel Sama
Country Spain
Email msama@ind.uned.es
Submit Time 2014-02-27 07:54:00
Special Session 51: Variational analysis and applications to equilibrium problems
In this talk we deal with optimization problems in Banach spaces which represent a standard abstract model for many PDE control problems. By conical regularization we understand those methods which construct a family of approximate problems by replacing the constraint cone by an approximating family of cones. These methods are specially indicated for those problems where KKT conditions are not available or such that the associated multipliers exhibit low regularity. In [A.A. Khan, M. Sama, A new conical regularization for some optimization and optimal control problems: Convergence analysis and finite element discretization, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 34(8), 861-895 (2013)] a set-valued model was proposed in order to prove the convergence in norm of the regularized solutions to the solution of the original problem. The aim of this talk is to apply set-valued analysis techniques to get an estimate of the order of convergence.