Display Abstract

Title Localized patterns and snaking in 2D reaction-diffusion systems

Name Daniel Wetzel
Country Germany
Email daniel.wetzel@uni-oldenburg.de
Co-Author(s) Hannes Uecker, Jens Rademacher
Submit Time 2013-12-18 09:40:53
Special Session 101: Nonlinear waves in materials with microstructure
We use our continuation and bifurcation software tool pde2path (see [1]) to determine solutions and solution branches numerically for elliptic PDEs over 1D and 2D domains. In my talk I present numerical and analytical results for localized patterns on patterned backgrounds and the snaking behavior of their branches for some reaction-diffusion systems over 2D domains. [1] http://www.staff.uni-oldenburg.de/hannes.uecker/pde2path/