Display Abstract

Title On periodic orbits of piecewise linear systems with two zones

Name Enrique Ponce
Country Spain
Email eponcem@us.es
Co-Author(s) Emilio Freire and Francisco Torres
Submit Time 2013-12-18 05:40:08
Special Session 103: Periodic solutions for dynamical systems
In discontinuous piecewise linear systems with two zones, it is shown that the existence of a focus in one zone is sufficient to get three nested limit cycles independently on the dynamics of the another linear zone. Starting from a situation with only one hyperbolic limit cycle, other two limit cycles are obtained by combining of a boundary focus bifurcation and a pseudo-Hopf bifurcation. After some generic assumptions, and taking $\gamma_L\gamma_R< 0$, $m_L=i$, $a_L \le 0$ (a left focus), we show our results for $a_R < 0$ and $m_R\in\{i,0,1\}$ in the family of systems $$ \mathbf{\dot{x}}=\left( \begin{array} {cr} 2\gamma_{\{L,R\}} & -1\\ \gamma_{\{L,R\}}^2 -m_{\{L,R\}}^2 & 0 \end{array} \right) \mathbf{x}-\left( \begin{array} {c}% -b_{\{L,R\}}\\ a_{\{L,R\}} \end{array} \right), $$ where the subscripts $\{L,R\}$ indicate the left/right half planes.