Display Abstract

Title The generalized Krasnosel'skii formula and bifurcations of closed orbits to semilinear inclusions

Name Dorota Gabor
Country Poland
Email dgabor@mat.umk.pl
Co-Author(s) Wojciech Kryszewski
Submit Time 2014-02-27 05:33:50
Special Session 41: Topological and variational methods for multivalued differential equations
The classical Krasnosel'skii formula relates the Brouwer degree of the right-hand side of a differential equation in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with the Brouwer fixed point index of the corresponding Poincar\'{e} operator (of translations along trajectories). We apply the similar idea to the parameterized semilinear differential inclusion \[(*)\hspace{20mm} \dot{u}\in Au+F_\lambda (t,u), \hspace{5mm} t\in J, u\in E\] where $J=[0,\infty)$, $\lambda \in \Lambda\subset \mathbb{R}^k$, $E$ is a Banach space, $A:D(A)\to E$ is the infinitesimal generator of the $C_0$-semigroup of bounded linear operators on $E$ and $F:\Lambda \times J \times E\to 2^E$ is a set-valued weakly upper semicontinuous map with convex weakly compact values. Namely we compare the respective homotopy invariants of the right-hand side and of the operator $\Phi _t$ which assigns to the initial value $x\in E$ the set $\{u(t) ;$ $u$ is a (mild) solution of $(*)$ starting at $x\}$. It allows to detect bifurcations of closed orbits to $(*)$. We also present how one can apply this method to a concrete reaction-diffusion inclusion.