Display Abstract

Title Chimera states of coupled pendula

Name Patrycja Kuzma
Country Poland
Email pat.kuzma@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Yuri Maistrenko, Tomasz Kapitaniak
Submit Time 2014-02-27 05:32:10
Special Session 13: Nonlocally coupled dynamical systems: Analysis and applications
Systems of non-locally coupled oscillators may display remarkable spatial pattern, called chimera state, which consists of the coexisting domains of coherence and incoherence. Considering coupled pendulum-like nodes, we find wide region in parameter space, in which chimera states appear. We show that chimera state can coexist with some other pattern, the so-called \textit{imperfect chimera state}, which is characterized by a certain small number of oscillators escaped from synchronized chimera's cluster. Escaped elements oscillate with different average frequencies (Poincare rotation number). This new type of behavior is not observed for classical Kuramoto model. We also report a novel mechanism for the creation of chimera states via the appearance of the so-called \textit{solitary states}. Investigating the transition between complete synchronization and chimera state, we have observed regions in parameter space, where one or few oscillators escaped from the main synchronized state, which becomes a "fuzzy" cluster. This behavior represents the phenomenon of spatial chaos, i.e., sensitive dependence on the space coordinates. With further increase of the control parameter, more and more oscillators split, resulting in the appearance of the chimera state. This work is supported by the Foundation for Polish Science, Team Programme under project TEAM/2010/5/5