Display Abstract

Title Melnikov theory for discontinuous system.

Name matteo Franca
Country Italy
Email franca@dipmat.univpm.it
Co-Author(s) A. Calamai, J. Dibl\' ik, M. Posp\' i\v sil
Submit Time 2014-02-27 05:26:44
Special Session 19: Nonautonomous dynamics
In this talk we present some recent development on Melnikov theory for non-smooth ODE. We consider a system having a critical point $O$ on a discontinuity surface $\mathcal{S}$, and a trajectory homoclinic to $O$. We assume that the system is subject to a non-autonomous perturbation and we look for conditions which are sufficient for the persistence of the homocline and for the existence of a chaotic pattern. An important issue will be to control exactly the position of chaotic trajectories close to $0$ and $\mathcal{S}$. Surprisingly we find a new geometrical condition (always verified in the continuous case) which is not needed for the persistence of homoclinic trajectories, but is necessary for chaos. This setting of assumptions finds natural applications in many physical examples, such as dry friction pendulum, where the critical point lies on the discontinuity surface.