Display Abstract

Title Domain perturbation problems for the Hardy constant

Name Pier Domenico Lamberti
Country Italy
Email lamberti@math.unipd.it
Co-Author(s) Gerassimos Barbatis and Pier Domenico Lamberti
Submit Time 2014-02-26 16:21:46
Special Session 34: Variational methods for discrete and continuous boundary value problems (with applications)
We consider the celebrated $L^p$-Hardy inequality involving the distance $d_{\Omega}$ to the boundary of a domain $\Omega$ in ${\mathbb{R}}^n$ $$ \int_{\Omega }|\nabla u|^pdx \geq c \int_{\Omega }\frac{|u|^p}{d^p_{\Omega }}dx \, , \ {\rm for\ all}\ u\in C^{\infty }_c(\Omega). $$ The $L^p$-Hardy constant is the best constant in the inequality above and is denoted by $H_p(\Omega )$. We study the dependence of $H_p(\Omega)$ upon perturbation of $\Omega$ and we prove stability results. Since for convex domains it is well-known that $H_p(\Omega)= ((p-1)/p)^p$, the focus is mainly on non-convex domains.