Display Abstract

Title Bright solitons from defocusing nonlinearities - an overview

Name Boris Malomed
Country Israel
Email malomed@post.tau.ac.il
Submit Time 2014-02-26 13:56:23
Special Session 110: Nonlinear Schrodinger equations and its applications
The talk aims to give a review of recently obtained results which demonstrate that defocusing cubic media with spatially inhomogeneous nonlinearity, whose strength increases rapidly enough toward the periphery (faster than $r^D% in the $D$-dimensional space, $D = 1,2,3$, where $r$ is the radial coordinate), can support a variety of stable solitons in all three dimensions, including one-dimensional (1D) fundamental and multihump states, 2D vortex solitons with arbitrary topological charges, and vortex tori (soliton gyroscopes) in 3D. Solitons maintain their coherence in the state of motion, oscillating in the effective nonlinear potential as robust quasiparticles.The 3D vortex tori exhibit stable precession, induced by the application of external torque. In addition to numerically found soliton families, particular solutions can be obtained in an exact analytical form, and accurate approximations are developed for the entire families by means of the variational and Thomas-Fermi approximations. Essentially the same mechanism for the self-trapping of bright solitons under the action of the spatially growing repulsive nonlinearity works in nonlocal media, and in discrete systems too. Furthermore, related numerical and analytical results demonstrate the existence of stable dissipative solitons in media with the uniform linear gain and nonlinear loss, whose local strength grows toward the periphery faster than r^D. Such 1D and 2D settings can be implemented in nonlinear optics and BEC. The 3D setting may be created in BEC.