Display Abstract

Title Accurate actions for Path Integral Monte Carlo simulations

Name Jordi Boronat
Country Spain
Email jordi.boronat@upc.edu
Co-Author(s) G. Ferrer, F. Casas, J. Casulleras
Submit Time 2014-02-26 11:09:13
Special Session 61: Enhanced sampling techniques in simulation of complex systems
The Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method allows for calculation of many-particle properties of quantum systems at low temperatures. By mapping the action to a problem of classical interacting polymers one is able to calculate energetic and structural properties of the system using Metropolis Monte Carlo. However, the calculation becomes more and more difficult when the temperature is progressively decreased. To reduce this drawback it is very important to work out actions of higher order, beyond the primitive approximation. We will present results obtained using higher order expansions and show the efficiency achieved using different approximate schemes. Finally, we will comment on the symmetrization of the action when dealing with boson particles, which implies sampling in the permutation space.