Display Abstract

Title On the basins of attraction for a class of delay differential equations with non-monotone bistable nonlinearities

Name Xingfu Zou
Country Canada
Email xzou@uwo.ca
Submit Time 2014-02-26 09:45:59
Special Session 4: Delay equations applied to population dynamics
Consider delay differential equation x'(t)=-g(x(t)) +f(x(t-r)) with bistable equilibrium structure: there are three equilibria x_0=0 < x_1 < x_2 with x_0 and x_2 being stable and x_1 being stable for the ODE: x'(t)=-g(x(t)) +f(x(t)). I will present some results characterizing subsets of basins of attraction of the equilibria. The results will be applied to a particular model equation describing the matured population of some species demonstrating the Alee effect.