Display Abstract

Title Similarity Reductions of a nonlinear model for vibrations of beams

Name Jose Carlos J Camacho
Country Spain
Email josecarlos.camacho@uca.es
Co-Author(s) Jose Carlos Camacho and Maria de los Santos Bruzon
Submit Time 2014-02-26 06:59:27
Special Session 69: Lie Symmetries, Conservation laws and other approaches in solving nonlinear differential equations
In this paper we make an analysis of the symmetry reductions of the nonlinear beam equation of Kirchoff type given by, \begin{equation}\label{edp} \Delta\equiv u_{tt}+u_{xxxx}-M\left(\int|u_x|^2dx\right)u_{xx}+\nu u_t=0. \end{equation} where $u=u(x,t)$ is the transverse deflection of beam which changes its configuration at each instants of time, increasing its deformation and hence increasing its tension. We use the classical Lie method of infinitesimals. We consider travelling wave reductions depending on the form of an arbitrary function. We present some reductions.