Display Abstract

Title Stochastic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

Name Deng Zhang
Country Germany
Email zhangdeng@amss.ac.cn
Co-Author(s) Viorel Barbu (Romanian Academy, Iasi), Michael R\"ockner (Universit\"at Bielefeld, Germany)
Submit Time 2014-02-26 05:28:42
Special Session 109: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
We present well-posedness results in the energy space $H^1(\mathbb{R}^d)$ for the stochastic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with linear multiplicative noise, including also the non-conservative case. The exponents of the nonlinear term obtained here are optimal for the global well-posedness, hence this work sharpens earlier well-posedness results in the conservative case. Moreover, we also study the noise effects on blowup in the non-conservative case. In contrast to the conservative case, we prove that in the non-conservative focusing mass-(super)critical case, adding a large noise one can, with high probability, prevent blowup on the bounded time interval $[0,T]$ with $T