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Title Quantitative thinking under the volcano: integrating rocks, numbers and experiments to advance the knowledge of sub-volcanic processes

Name Antonio M Alvarez-Valero
Country Spain
Email aav@usal.es
Co-Author(s) Francisco Pla
Submit Time 2014-02-26 03:43:28
Special Session 104: Instabilities and bifurcations in geophysical fluid dynamics
Modern Geology often utilizes numerical tools to elucidate and solve Earth Sciences questions that allow scientists to define different Earth properties and their variability in quantitative terms. In volcanology and petrology, numerical models of conduit dynamics are based on assumptions that need input from geologic studies on the petrologic and physicochemical evolution of magma systems; and vice versa, to fully interpret the petrological dataset requires key numerical parameters to constrain the entire information given by the rocks. We integrate classical petrology (and thermodynamic modelling), 2-D fluid dynamics simulations, and experiments (decompression rates and assimilation analogues) with the aim to advance in the knowledge of the country-rock's melting within a magma conduit before the eruption is already inevitable. Our approach confronts exhaustive field observations and chemical data (from Neogene silicic systems in SE Spain) with thermo-mechanical models of crust-magma interactions under the volcano. The on-going results reveal fundamental information on the circulation and transport, from depth upward, of partly melted crustal restites (i.e., xenoliths) hosted by magma, as well as on the thermal interaction and assimilation processes between the crust and melt. They are based on the relationships of the microtextures and pressure-temperature conditions of crustal xenoliths to their position in a transient thermal regime in the wall-rock of the magma conduit, and to the time spent as a xenolith immersed in magma.