Display Abstract

Title Singularly perturbed nonlinear elliptic problems in expanding tubular type domains

Name Kazunaga Tanaka
Country Japan
Email kazunaga@waseda.jp
Co-Author(s) Jaeyoung Byeon
Submit Time 2014-02-25 21:12:16
Special Session 38: Recent trends in nonlinear Schrodinger systems
We consider the following nonlinear elliptic problems: $$ -\Delta u + u = u^p \ \hbox{in}\ \Omega_\varepsilon, \ \ \ u=0 \ \hbox{on}\ \partial \Omega_\varepsilon. $$ Here $p$ is subcritical and $\Omega_\varepsilon$ is a bounded domain with a smooth boundary which is expanding as $\varepsilon\to 0$. We consider a situation where a cylindrical domain ${\bf R}^k\times D$ appears as a limit of $\Omega_\varepsilon$. We show the existence of a family of solution $(u_\varepsilon)_\varepsilon$ which converges to a solution of the limit problem in a cylindrical domain ${\bf R}^k\times D$ after suitable translations. This talk is based on my joint works with Jaeyoung Byeon (KAIST, Korea).