Display Abstract

Title Onsager's conjecture

Name Tristan Buckmaster
Country Germany
Email tristan.buckmaster@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Camillo De Lellis and L\'{a}szl\'{o} Sz\'{e}kelyhidi Jr.
Submit Time 2014-02-25 20:09:43
Special Session 43: Harmonic analysis tools for fluid mechanics
In 1949, Lars Onsager in his famous note on statistical hydrodynamics conjectured that weak solutions to the Euler equations belonging to the H\"older space with H\"older exponent greater than $1/3$ conserve energy; conversely, he conjectured the existence of solutions belonging to any H\"older space with exponent less than $1/3$ which dissipate energy. The first part of this conjecture has since been confirmed (cf. Eyink 1994, Constantin, E and Titi 1994). In this talk we discuss recent work related to resolving the second component of Onsager's conjecture. In particular, we present a proof of a weak version of the conjecture: there exists weak non-conservative solutions to the Euler equations whose $1/3-\epsilon$ H\"older norm in space is Lebesgue integrable in time.