Display Abstract

Title Non-standard Skorokhod convergence of L{\'e}vy-driven convolution integrals in Hilbert spaces

Name Markus Riedle
Country England
Email markus.riedle@kcl.ac.uk
Co-Author(s) Ilya Pavlyukevich
Submit Time 2014-02-25 17:35:34
Special Session 80: Theory, numerical methods, and applications of stochastic systems and SDEs/SPDEs
In many problems of engineering, physics or finance, the evolution of a stochastic system can be described by stochastic convolution integrals of a deterministic kernel with respect to a L{\'e}vy process in a Hilbert space. In this talk we study the convergence in probability of a stochastic convolution integral process for kernels depending on a parameter. For many examples, the appropriate topology is not the standard but another Skorokhod topology ($M_1$), which is much less often studied. It turns out that in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces there are three different kinds of this non-standard Skorokhod topology, i.e in a strong, weak and product sense. We establish a general characterisation for a sequence of stochastic processes in a Hilbert space to converge in these non-standard Skorokhod topologies in terms of a corresponding oscillation function. The results are applied to the infinite dimensional integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with a diagonalisable generator.