Display Abstract

Title Predator-Prey Interactions, Age Structures and Delay Equations

Name Maria Vittoria Barbarossa
Country Hungary
Email barbarossamv@gmail.com
Co-Author(s) Marcel Mohr, Christina Kuttler
Submit Time 2014-02-25 11:31:03
Special Session 32: Applied analysis and dynamics in engineering and sciences
In the context of population dynamics, DDEs with constant delay can be obtained, e.g., from the balance laws of age-structured population dynamics, assuming that birth rates and death rates, as functions of age, are piece-wise constant. The delay arises naturally from biology as the age-at-maturity of individuals. A general framework for age-structured predator-prey systems is introduced. Individuals are distinguished into two classes, juveniles and adults, and several possible interactions are considered. The initial system of partial differential equations is reduced to a system of (neutral) delay differential equations with one or two delays. Thanks to this approach, physically correct models for predator-prey with delay are provided. Previous models are considered and analysed in view of the above results. A Rosenzweig-MacArthur model with delay is presented as an example. The basic model is finally extended to obtain a predator-prey model with SIS dynamics and delay.