Display Abstract

Title Long-time behavior of reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal boundary conditions on rough domains

Name Ciprian G Gal
Country USA
Email cgal@fiu.edu
Co-Author(s) Mahamadi Warma
Submit Time 2014-02-25 09:32:04
Special Session 97: Analysis and control of nonlinear partial differential equation evolution systems
We investigate the long term behavior in terms of fi nite dimensional global and exponential attractors, as time goes to in finity of solutions to semilinear reaction-diff usion equations on non-smooth domains subject to nonlocal Robin boundary conditions, characterized by the presence of fractional diffusion on the boundary. Our results are of general character and apply to a large class of irregular domains, including domains with a fractal-like geometry. We recover the most of the existing results on existence, regularity, uniqueness, stability, attractor existence, and finite dimension, which are known for the reaction-diff usion equation in smooth domains. The framework we develop also makes possible a number of new results for all diff usion models in other non-smooth settings.