Display Abstract

Title g-entropies: its connections with Shannon and KS entropies and an invariant based on this concept

Name Fryderyk Falniowski
Country Poland
Email fryderyk.falniowski@uek.krakow.pl
Submit Time 2014-02-25 07:52:56
Special Session 68: Entropy-like quantities and applications
Considering a concave function $g\colon [0,1]\mapsto \mathbb{R}$ vanishing at the origin instead of the Shannon entropy function $\eta(x)=-x\ln x$, $\eta(0):=0$, leads to the generalizations of dynamical and measure-theoretic entropies . We will show the connections of these generalizations with the dynamical and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropies. We will also introduce the concept of types of $g$-entropy convergence rates introduced by Blume \cite{Blume97} and discuss some results concerning this quantity. \bibitem{Blume97} F. Blume. Possible rates of entropy convergence \emph{Ergodic Theory \& Dynam. Systems} (1997), {\bf 17}, 45-70.