Display Abstract

Title Higher Order Functional Inequalities and the 1-Biharmonic Operator

Name Bernhard Ruf
Country Italy
Email bernhard.ruf@unimi.it
Co-Author(s) Daniele Cassani, Enea Parini, Cristina Tarsi
Submit Time 2014-02-25 07:35:23
Special Session 127: Functional Inequalities and Variational Problems
We study optimal embeddings for the space of functions whose Laplacian belongs to $L^1(\Omega)$, where $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N$ is a bounded domain. This function space turns out to be strictly larger than the Sobolev space $W^{2,1}(\Omega)$ in which all second order derivatives are taken into account. In particular, in the limiting Sobolev case, when N = 2, we establish a sharp embedding inequality into the Zygmund space $L_{\text{exp}}(\Omega)$. This result enables us to improve the Brezis-Merle regularity estimate for the Dirichlet problem $\Delta u = f(x) \in L^1(\Omega), u = 0$ on $\partial \Omega$. We then study the operator associated to related minimization problems, the {\it 1-biharmonic operator} under various boundary conditions. \par \bigskip \noindent We consider the problem of finding the optimal constant for the embedding of the space \[ W^{2,1}_\Delta(\Omega) := \left\{ u \in W^{1,1}_0(\Omega)\,|\,\Delta u \in L^1(\Omega)\right\} \] into the space $L^1(\Omega)$, where $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$ is a bounded convex domain, or a bounded domain with boundary of class $C^{1,\alpha}$. This is equivalent to find the first eigenvalue of the 1-biharmonic operator under (generalized) Navier boundary conditions. In this paper we provide an interpretation for the eigenvalue problem, we show some properties of the first eigenfunction, we prove an inequality of Faber-Krahn type, and we compute the first eigenvalue and the associated eigenfunction explicitly for a ball, and in terms of the torsion function for general domains. \par \bigskip