Display Abstract

Title Linearized eigenvalues for a free boundary problem modeling two-phase tumor growth

Name Shangbin Cui
Country Peoples Rep of China
Email cuishb@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Submit Time 2014-02-24 20:01:11
Special Session 93: Partial differential equations arising from biology and physics
In this talk we consder a free boundary problem modeling the growth of a tumor containing two species of cells: proliferating cells and quiescent cells. By using Fourier expansion via a basis of spherical harmonic functions and some techniques for solving singular differential integral equations developed in some previous literature, we prove that there exists a null sequence $\{\gamma_k\}_{k=2}^{\infty}$ for the surface tension coefficient $\gamma$, with each of them being an eigenvalue of the linearized problem, i.e., if $\gamma=\gamma_k$ for some $k\geq 2$ then the linearized problem has extra nontrivial solutions besides the standard nontrivial solutions, and if $\gamma\neq\gamma_k$ for all $k\geq 2$ then the linearized problem does not have other nontrivial solutions than the standard nontrivial solutions.