The 14th AIMS Conference

Paradigms of STEM Education in Light of Advanced Technology and Generative Artificial Intelligence

William Guo
Central Queensland University
Ergun Gide
Central Queensland University
Kwesi Yaro
University of Alberta
  The rapid advancements in technology, especially in the realm of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), have transformed the landscape of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. As educators, researchers, and practitioners, it is essential to examine and adapt to these changing paradigms. This session aims to bring together experts from various disciplines to discuss and explore the multifaceted implications of advanced technology and GAI on STEM education. We invite researchers, educators, and professionals to submit their original contributions to this session on the following, but not limited to, topics: • Incorporating GAI in STEM curriculum • AI and machine learning in STEM teaching and learning • Ethical considerations • Innovative pedagogical approaches • Assessment and evaluation • Collaboration and interdisciplinary studies • Professional development • Case studies and best Practices • Research on the impact of GAI on other STEM related fields