2023 Wilmington NC USA

Optimal Transport and Mean Field Games with Applications and Computations

Zixuan Cang
North Carolina State University
Wuchen Li
University of South Carolina
Yanxiang Zhao
George Washington University
  Optimal Transport (OT) and Mean Field Game (MFG) study strategic decision making in large populations where the individual players interact with each other and each individual is effected only by certain averaged quantities of all the other individuals. They have become central topics in the past decade both theoretically and numerically. While OT and MFG have been successfully applied in areas such as social sciences, image science and machine learning sampling problems, there is an urgent need to develop new model, design stable and efficient numerical schemes and find new applications for OT and MFG. Typical examples include cell biology, data science, geology, and epidemiology. This Minisymposium aims to bring together researchers to discuss their recent advances in techniques, insights, and understanding to OT/MFG arising in several applications such as life science and data science.