2023 Wilmington NC USA

Celestial Mechanics and Hamiltonian Systems

Manuele Santoprete
Wilfrid Laurier University
Cristina Stoica
Wilfrid Laurier University
Zhifu Xie
The University of Southern Mississippi
Marian Gidea
Yeshiva University
  This special session will concentrate on the latest developments in the field of Celestial Mechanics which laid the foundations for the birth of dynamical systems. The study of the N-body problem continues to attract researchers in a wide range of fields including dynamical systems, topology, variational methods, algebraic and symplectic geometry, numerical methods and KAM theory. This special session provides a marketplace for ideas, and helps identify trends and areas of research in the field. This session brings main specialists in the field as well as leaders of different areas in dynamical systems with young researchers together to build an active and stimulating framework suitable to attack some of the many unsolved aspects in Celestial Mechanics. Some specific topics to be covered include Hamiltonian systems, Ergodic theory, Variational Methods, central configurations, the N-body problem in spaces of constant curvature, discovery of new periodic solutions, regularization of collisions, index theory and symplectic invariants, stability of periodic solutions and finally spacecraft orbital design. If the schedule permits, we anticipate ending the session with a discussion on open problems.

List of approved abstract