Special Session 3: Modeling, Math Biology and Math Finance

Optimal control problems for semi-discrete systems associated with grain boundary motions

Ken Shirakawa
Chiba University
Co-Author(s):    Shodai Kubota, and Noriaki Yamazaki
In this talk, we consider a class of optimal control problems for semi-discrete stated systems, which are based on a phase-field model of grain boundary motion, proposed by [Kobayashi et al.; Phys. D, 140 (2000), 141--150]. The class consists of an optimal control problem for a physically realistic state-system, and its regularized approximating problems. Under suitable assumptions, the main theorems concerned with: the solvability results and semi-continuous associations in the class of optimal control problems; the first order necessary optimality conditions for regularized approximating problems; and the observation of optimality condition for the physically realistic problem via the approximating limit for regularized problems.