Special Session 27: 

Symmetry-breaking bifurcation for a class of one-dimensional Liouville type equations

Satoshi Tanaka
Tohoku University
In this talk, the following boundary value problem is considered: $u``+\lambda h(x;a)e^u=0$ for $x\in(-1,1)$; $u(-1)=u(1)=0$. Here, $\lambda>0$, $h(x;a)=0$ for $x\in(-a,a)$, $h(x;a)=1$ for $x\in[-1,-a]\cup[a,1]$ and $a\in(0,1)$. It is shown that there exists a bifurcation point such that a positive non-even solution bifurcates at this point from the curve of positive even solutions.