2020 Atlanta USA

Mathematics for information theory and communications

Sihem Mesnager
Universities of Paris VIII (dept Maths) and Paris XIII (LAGA)
  The session will cover general technical aspects of mathematics and their applications in information theory and communications (cryptography, coding theory, related combinatorics, etc). The objectives of the session are: - To bring together representatives of the applied and theoretical communities that study the mathematics of communication, - To highlight recent advances in coding cryptography and combinatorics, and to identify techniques that could be applied in other contexts. - To spread appreciation of the power of mathematics and the important role that it plays in communications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to : Computational aspects of finite fields: algorithms and complexity, polynomial factorization, decomposition and irreducibility testing, estimation and computation of character sums, search for primitive and other special elements of finite fields, algorithms for polynomials, curves, varieties,sequences and functions over finite fields. Applications to cryptography, codes, finite geometry, information theory, combinatorics, designs and configurations, quantum information science. Emphasis will be placed on mathematics methods and algorithmic tools related to these areas, such as Boolean functions, codes, sequences, finite fields, algebraic systems and related polynomial properties.

List of approved abstract