Special Session 12: 

A third order exponential time differencing numerical scheme for no-slope-selection epitaxial thin film model

Zhonghua Qiao
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
Co-Author(s):    Cheng Wang
In this paper we study and analyze a (temporally) third order accurate exponential time differencing (ETD) numerical scheme for the no-slope-selection (NSS) equation of the epitaxial thin film growth model, with Fourier pseudo-spectral discretization in space. A linear splitting is applied to the physical model, for the sake of energy stability analysis, and an ETD-based multistep approximation is used for time integration of the corresponding equation. In turn, the energy stability is established in a modified version. And also, the optimal rate convergence analysis and error estimate are derived in details, in the $\ell^\infty (0,T; H_h^1) \cap \ell^2 (0,T; H_h^3)$ norm, with the help of a careful eigenvalue bound estimate, combined with the nonlinear analysis for the NSS model. This convergence estimate is the first such result for a third order accurate scheme for a gradient flow. Some numerical simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the numerical scheme and the third order convergence. In particular, the long time simulation results for $\varepsilon=0.02$ (up to $T=3 \times 10^5$) have indicated a logarithm law for the energy decay, as well as the power laws for growth of the surface roughness and the mound width. In particular, the power index for the surface roughness and the mound width growth, created by the third order numerical scheme, is more accurate than those produced by certain second order energy stable schemes in the existing literature.