Special Session 36: 

Pseudo-Hermitian Reductions of a Matrix Generalized Heisenberg Ferromagnet Equation

Tihomir I Valchev
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Co-Author(s):    A. B. Yanovski
We shall introduce and study in this talk new $1+1$ dimensional system of nonlinear partial differential equations integrable through inverse scattering transform. The integrable system under consideration has a linear bundle Lax pair related to Hermitian symmetric space of the series {\bf A.III} according to Cartan`s classification. Thus, it represents a Mikhailov`s type reduction of a matrix generalization of classical $1+1$ dimensional integrable Heisenberg ferromagnet equation. We shall describe an integrable hierarchy connected to the matrix system in terms of generating operators and discuss integrable anisotropic (local) deformations related to a rational bundle Lax pair for the same type of symmetric space.