Special Session 8: 

Nonlocal PDEs for the dynamics of fitness distributions in asexual populations

Lionel Roques
Co-Author(s):    Lionel Roques, Marie-Eve Gil, Fran\c cois Hamel, Guillaume Martin
Understanding the complex interplay between mutation and selection in asexuals is a central issue of evolutionary biology. To study the adaptation of a population under these two forces, in the presence of a phenotype optimum, we propose two frameworks: (1) an integro-differential approach with context-dependent mutation kernels $\partial_t p(t,m)=U\, (J_y \star p-p) (t,m) +p(t,m) (m - \overline{m}(t)), $ with $(J_y \star p)(t,m) = \int_\mathbb{R} J_y(m-y)p(t,y) \, dy$ and $\overline{m}(t)= \int_\mathbb{R} y\,p(t,y) \, dy$. In this case, we follow the dynamics of the fitness distribution $p(t,m)$; (2) a nonlocal nonlinear transport equation satisfied by a moment generating function of the fitness distribution; the derivation of this equation is based on microscopic arguments. We show that these two equations are connected and we derive several properties of their solutions. These properties have implications in evolutionary biology, regarding the effect of the parameters (e.g., mutation rate, dimension of the phenotypic space) on the trajectories of adaptation and on the stationary states. In particular, we give simple sufficient conditions on the parameters for the existence and non-existence of a concentration phenomenon at the optimal fitness value $m=0$. We compare our results with empirical results given by stochastic individual-based simulations of Wright-Fisher type models. This is a joint work with Marie-Eve Gil (BioSP, I2M), Fran\c cois Hamel (I2M) and Guillaume Martin (ISEM).