Special Session 11: 

Invasion and Coexistence of Competition-Diffusion-Advection System with Heterogeneous vs Homogeneous Resources

Benlong Xu
Shanghai Normal University
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    Hongyang Jiang
In this talk, we shall present some recent results of the dynamics of a Lotka-Volterra reaction-diffusion-advection model for two competing species which disperse by both random diffusion and advection along environmental gradient. In this model, the species are assumed to be identical except spatial resource distribution: heterogeneity vs homogeneity. It is shown that that the species with heterogeneous resources distribution is always in a better position, that is, it can always invade when rare. The ratio of advection strength and diffusion rate of the species with heterogeneous distribution plays a crucial role in the dynamics behavior of the system. Some conditions of invasion, driving extinction, and coexistence are given in term of this ratio and the diffusion rate of its competitor. Some open problems will be prsented.