Special Session 24: 

Singular Solutions of a Boussinesq System for Water Waves}

Min Chen
Purdue University
Co-Author(s):    Jerry Bona
We will investigate the fundamental issue of determining conditions on the initial data that ensure the solution exists for all time for the Boussinesq system $$ \eta_t+u_x + (\eta u)_x +au_{xxx} -b \eta_{xxt}=0, $$ $$ u_t+ \eta_x +\frac 12 (u^2)_x+c\eta_{xxx} -d u_{xxt}=0. $$ This system has been used in theory and practice as a model for small-amplitude, long-crested water waves. The investigation proceeds by way of numerical simulations using a computer code based on a a semi-implicit, pseudo-spectral code. It turns out that larger amplitudes or velocities do seem to lead to singularity formation in finite time, indicating that the problem is not globally well posed.