Special Session 69: 

Initial boundary problem for a class of quasilinear pseudo-parabolic equation with nonlinear source

Jianqing Chen
Fujian Normal University
Peoples Rep of China
In this paper, we discuss the Cauchy problem of pseudo-parabolic equation $$ u_t - \Delta u_t - \Delta u - \nabla\cdot\left(|\nabla u|^{2q}\nabla u\right) = u^{p}, $$ where $ p \geq 2q + 1$. Firstly, under $ p < \frac{n + 2}{n - 2}$, we prove the local existence of weal solutions by the Galerkin method. Secondly, under $p > 2q + 1$ and certain initial datum, we establish the blow-up in finite time and the global existence of solutions by the potential well method and the Poincar\`e inequality. Thirdly, we discuss the blow-up in finite time of solutions under $p = 2q + 1$ and the non-positive initial energy. Fourthly, we study the blow-up in finite time of solutions under $p = 2q + 1$, $\Delta u$ vanishing and the negative initial energy. Finally, we determine a better lower bound for blow-up time if blow-up does occur.