Special Session 138: 

Non existence of bound states for time dependent evolution equations

Claudio A Fernandez
Universidad Catolica de Chile
Co-Author(s):    M.A. Astaburuaga, O. Bourget, V. Cortes, M. Courdurier
We develop a method, based in the theory of positive commutators, for studying the existence of bound states for the propagator $(U(t,0))$, at a fixed time $t$, associated to time dependent Schr\odinger equation $$ i\, \varphi_t = H(t)\varphi . $$ We apply this method to shoe the non existence of solitons for the Hamiltonian of a quantum particle: $H(t)\equiv -\Delta + V(t)$, on $L^2({\mathbb R}^n)$, in the so called repulsive case. We also show how to extend this result to other perturbations, including some nonlinear ones.