Special Session 13: 

Metric mean dimension and almost lossless analog compression

Yonatan Gutman
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Co-Author(s):    Adam \\\\`{S}piewak
Wu and Verd\`{u} developed a theory for almost lossless analog compression where one imposes various regularity conditions on the compressor and the decompressor and the input signal is modeled by a (typically infinite-entropy) Bernoulli process. In this work we consider the broader class of signals modeled by time-invariant probability measures and find uniform lower and upper bounds in terms of \textit{metric mean dimension}, \textit{mean box dimension} and \textit{mean R\`{e}nyi information dimension}. An essential tool is the recent Lindenstrauss-Tsukamoto variational principal expressing metric mean dimension in terms of certain rate-distortion functions.