2018 Taipei, Taiwan
SS97: Analysis and dynamics on boundaries of manifolds and related topics
Hiroshige Shiga
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hiroaki Aikawa
Hokkaido University
This special session is concerned with mathematical analysis on the structure of boundaries of manifolds and their dynamical properties. Related topics are potential theory, complex analysis and complex dynamics.
List of approved abstract
Hiroaki Aikawa
Hokkaido University
Parabolic and elliptic boundary behavior on a non-smooth domain
Ara Basmajian
City University of New York
The type problem and geometric structures on hyperbolic surfaces
Sachiko Hamano
Osaka City University
Variational formulas for hydrodynamic differentials and its application
Takanobu Hara
Hokkaido University
A Carleson-type estimate for $p$-superharmonic functions
Kentaro Hirata
Hiroshima University
Removable isolated boundary singularities of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations in a Lipschitz domain
Jun Masamune
Hokkaido University
A generalized conservation property of Brownian motion with killing inside
Katsuhiko Matsuzaki
Waseda University
A moduli space of a Riemann surface of infinite topological type
Hideki Miyachi
Kanazawa University
Extremal length geometry on Teichmuller space and its application
Gou Nakamura
Aichi Institute of Technology
Hyperbolic surfaces with the largest maximal injectivity radius
Masaharu Nishio
Osaka City University
Reproducing kernels with respect to function spaces of polyharmonic and polyparabolic functions
Katsunori Shimomura
Ibaraki University
Caloric morphisms for rotation invariant metrics on semi-euclidean spaces
Noriaki Suzuki
Meijo University
Polynomial solution to Dirichlet problem for the heat equation
Kiyoki Tanaka
Daido University
Estimate for the weighted polyharmonic Bergman kernel and its application
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