2018 Taipei, Taiwan

SS82:  Recent advance in differential equations with applications to biology, ecology and epidemiology

Columbus State University
University of Cincinnati
Differential equations plays a substantial role in the modeling process of problems arising from ecology and epidemiology, which includes many types of differential equations such as ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, functional differential equations, stochastic differential equations, and computational differential equations. The study of differential equations using methods of dynamics analysis, sensitivity analysis, data analysis, or cost-effectiveness analysis can help capture the complex relationships among species, direct or indirect spatial and temporal factors on disease transmissions and dispersals. This special session will focus on a variety of modeling and computational developments using differential equations as a tool and topics cover infectious diseases (in- or within- host modeling) and population dynamics using various types of models with age structure/multiple patches/spatial spreading (reaction-diffusion equation)/seasonality/ density-dependent mortality and growth rates. This special session will unify the strength of scientists and enhance their collaborations in the prediction, prevention, and control of infectious diseases and the protection of endangered species or control of invasive species with a hope to advance the study of differential equations in ecology and epidemiology or other problems with strong biological backgrounds.

List of approved abstract