2018 Taipei, Taiwan

SS5:  Recent Advances in Inverse Problems

School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University
Peoples Rep of China
School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University
Peoples Rep of China
School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University
Peoples Rep of China
Inverse problems are frequently arising in science and engineering, which are concerned with determining desired properties with observed data. The reason that makes inverse problems mathematically challenging is due to their “ill-posedness”, which means that a solution to an inverse problem might neither exist nor be unique, or even if a "weak" type solution is introduced, the solution does not depend on the data continuously. These difficulties render traditional numerical methods not applicable or inherently unstable. The special session aims to discussing recent advances in inverse problems, mainly focusing on the theory of partial differential equations with unknown sources or coefficients, numerical fast algorithms and applications. The purpose is to promote international collaboration among researchers who are working in this exciting field.