2018 Taipei, Taiwan

SS41:  Revealing the mathematical complexity of cell migration and pattern formation: From modelling to applications

University of Sussex
The aim of this special session is bring knowledge-exchange between applied theoreticians and numerical analysts working at the forefront of problems emanating from the life sciences with the goal of revealing the complexity of cell migration and pattern formation. Advances in the state-of-the-art experimental designs and techniques, genetic manipulation techniques, and high resolution multicolor recordings in living cells and cutting-edge imaging techniques and analysis tools enable experimentalists to generate large amounts of datasets for cell migration and pattern formation. In this session; topical presentations will emphasise theoretical results of models inspired by experimental observations, with the goal of exhibiting novel mathematical approaches and techniques from physics, differential geometry, mathematical modelling and numerical analysis to help unravel current problems in the areas of 2D and 3D cell migration and pattern formation. Understanding mechanisms for cell migration and pattern formation has important implications in embryo development, immune response, wound healing, tissue differentiation, tissue regeneration, inflammation, tumor invasion and metastasis formation. As such, the results of this symposium will impact areas of mathematical modelling, numerical analysis and HPC scientific computing, developmental biology, cell motility, biophysics, biomedicine, and material sciences.