Display Abstract

Title Positional Strategies in a Motion Correction Problem for the Linear System with Integral Constraints

Name Boris I Ananyev
Country Russia
Email abi@imm.uran.ru
Submit Time 2014-02-18 23:57:51
Special Session 16: Optimal control and its applications
Consider a motion correction problem for the linear system with integral constraints on disturbances. It is supported that the phase vector $x(t)$ of the system is unknown, but one can observe some linear transformation $y(t)$ of this phase vector with an additive noise. Due to measurements, the information set $X(t,y(\cdot))$ containing the true vector $x(t)$ can be built. The goal of the controller (1-st player) is to minimize the terminal cost $\Phi(X(T,y(\cdot)))$. The control strategies is formed by functions of the form $u(t,X(t,y(\cdot)))$ depending on the position $(t,X(t,y(\cdot)))$. The initial minimax problem of motion correction can be reduced to the differential game with complete information, in which the second player may choose the disturbances. We prove the existence of the saddle point of the game and suggest a constructive method of building of optimal strategies. The results of N.N. Krasovski, A.B. Kurzhanski, and A.I. Subbotin are used. Some results of computer simulations are given. An application to the problem of coordinate alignment of navigation devices for a transport ship-airplane system is also considered.